What I Want From You Brands
My Thoughts on todays’ Millenial talk at Social Media Week: I want a product not because of what it is, but because of the part that plays in the timelineContinue Reading
My Thoughts on todays’ Millenial talk at Social Media Week: I want a product not because of what it is, but because of the part that plays in the timelineContinue Reading
import fl.transitions.Tween; import fl.transitions.easing.*; import fl.transitions.TweenEvent; import flash.utils.Timer;//classes to use Timer import flash.events.TimerEvent; var vid:Video = new Video(300, 600); vid.x = 0; vid.y = 0; addChildAt(vid, 1); //Set Timer forContinue Reading
I need an online codesnippet repo…this will be it Publishing Guidelines: Name–> sponsor_campaign_lengthxheight.swf: Primary (Flash): sponsor_campaign_728x90.swf Secondary (gif/jpg): sponsor_campaign_728x90.gif/jpg AS3 clickTAG (flash tracking) //Add to Actionscript layer import flash.net.URLRequest; importContinue Reading
From Santa Monica to Hollywood…and back. So apparently the every day writing on Medium might be a little bit harder than I thought. In my defense I did a lotContinue Reading
I am 22 days late. If I was a woman this would have a complete different meaning. I am 22 days late with my commitment to write something, anything, everydayContinue Reading